

What is home?

Home is 'where the heart is,' right? Well, where is your heart? Or better yet, what is in your heart? If what's in your heart can surround you, then that is home :). For me, as a mother who is mostly home and also as a wife, I aim to nest our home - this is so satisfactory to me. I remember being young and rearranging my mom & dad's house, lighting candles for ambiance, playing music to set the mood, & probably even bossing people around.

Knowing that children need to learn to trust, explore & gain confidence in themselves, & be loved, I have started centering my nesting around these very things. (big deep sigh) I am still training myself in this way. My past post on living by diamonds talked about defining housework (cleaning & such monotony) versus homework (making home a warm, loving, fun, & spiritual place). How can I keep cleaning something or doing office work all day when other lives need someone to follow to learn everything? Well, with one child - maybe even with 2 - you can probably balance these two things (housework & homework). With 2 & definitely 3 children, you cannot do this!!! Thank God, literally. He is forcing this strong-willed child (me, ha!) to - to be less meticulous about everything and instead be free to get messy and to 'go with the flow.' simultaneously, I am learning discipline & structure. I think these latter two are more beneficial than a super neat & clean life ;-).

So, back to what is in your heart :-) whatever it, cycling, opening your home to friends, working, teaching, thrifting, organizing....may you be free to fill your home and even your life with these. Your heart and your little lives will flourish.


Home My Goodness: Ice Cold and Delicious Sweet Treats

Home My Goodness: Ice Cold and Delicious Sweet Treats

Ice Cold and Delicious Sweet Treats

Well, I don't know about you, but I sure do like a cold sweet something during the summertime. Ice cream calls my name after dinner and after a sweaty, sticky, hot day in the summer heat. But for me and my family (meaning me and the children - Michael is a grown man who loves his ice cream and is ok, at this point in time, with eating whatever he wants) I really do try to avoid processed sugar, processed anything, pasteurized dairy, and high glycemic sweeteners. If you live in this world, you know how challenging it is to overcome the convenience and temptation of these naughty foods!

So, I have come across a couple sweet, cold, & happy little recipes that are SIMPLE to throw together and to throw into the freezer. Before I share them, I have to rant more on high glycemic sweeteners - you just need to know this! Glycemic Index indicates how much of a blood sugar rise a person experiences, especially in a particular amount of time. A healthy glycemic index is a lower one that slowly rises into the bloodstream and allows for more nutrient absorption, aiding digestion. Insulin levels are also more stable with a lower glycemic index. This chart is awesome at listing sweeteners from low to high glycemic index:

Here is the glycemic index of many common sweeteners on the market (higher GI = higher blood sugar spike). Stevia 0
Xylitol 7
Agave 15-30
Brown Rice Syrup 25
Coconut Sugar/Nectar 30
Raw Honey 35-58
Sucanat 43
Organic Sugar 47
Maple Syrup 54
Blackstrap Molasses 54
Evaporated Cane Juice 55
Raw Sugar (Turbinado) 65
Corn Syrup 75
White Sugar 80
High Fructose Corn Syrup 87
Glucose 100

I recommend reading the full article (it's not long) on GI sweeteners for cooking or baking. This particular article really wrapped up some questions and concerns I had.

Now, here are those happy little recipes:

Coconut Cinnamon Confection

*equal parts:
coconut nectar or maple syrup or agave nectar
coconut manna or coconut cream
almond butter
coconut oil
*carob powder (or cocoa if you prefer) to 'your liking'
*cinnamon to 'your liking'
*mix these up and form into balls or push them into sectioned or halved dates and stick in the freezer. Voila!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

1/4 cup cocoa
1/2 cup peanut or almond butter
3 packets truvia OR equal parts coconut sugar or organic sugar
1/2 scoop protein powder (Jay Robb's Egg White Protein Powder is SO pure)
3 TBL coconut oil (melted)
1 tsp vanilla
scoop these into cupcake papers or a muffin pan and place in the freezer
**you could top them with chocolate chips or coconut shavings if you want them to be more awesome!


Who Is Banging Your Door Down?

Since this is a blog about 'HOME,' I must write about "securing our homes against the bad guys" (my son is just totally all over catching bad guys, which is why I word it like this). I was taught from God's word about being the "strong man" or the "authority" of your house and not letting a stranger/enemy/bad guy in your house. This comes from Matthew 12:29 among many other references in the Gospels of the New Testament. In order to do this, you would have to stand on some confidence and grounds to which you know to be secure and true...or otherwise how would you be a "strong man?" Head knowledge only holds so much weight.

The "house" in this parable is actually our souls (or our being - mind, body, emotions,& will). We know what it looks like or what it means to safeguard our physical houses from physical invasion and why that's important. To translate this notion to our "being," which I am also referring to as our "house," is what I am reflecting on today. This particular morning provided consecutive punches on my "door" that resulted in some intense rattling and a strong opportunity for me to respond. My response was everything. Letting the door be knocked down - no good, so not an option (years ago my "door" would have fallen down in its weakened state. It's ok if you feel this way, as you will gain the strength and establishment you need). Running away, screaming in fear at the pounding on the door - also no good and also not an option. Really, the TRUTH is that this is MY HOUSE, and I am just not going to let somebody in it who does not belong here or has bad plans for it! This is because I choose to live in peace. Please don't think of me as having this technique mastered!! Sometimes I choose clanging cymbals...but then I pay for the headache that comes later.

In my experience, these so-called strangers or enemies have been named, "anger," "guilt," "fear," "pride," and "selfish intentions." Life is just totally gonna keep bringing these bad guys; that's just the way the world is. Remember I mentioned earlier about standing on some confident grounds? These grounds upon which you STAND will keep your door locked and upright through all attempts from an enemy. My grounds right now are made of kindness and love and the truth that 'If God is for me, then who can be against me?'.

If I can stay on this ground, then I shouldn't have to slosh through anymore sand.


Free Storage

Free?, you ask. YES! The free storage item is.... a glass jar. Simple. You have already purchased them as honey jars, jelly jars, commercial oil jars, or a jar was given to you at Christmas full of something. When empty, you can recycle it into a storage solution that also gives you peace of mind about whatever is in the material containing your food (plastic materials, toxic stuff, BPA, etc). This is especially great for those items purchased in bulk that come home in a baggy. And jars keep bugs out too! Every time I open my cabinet, I like what I see :)

I also found these gorgeous jars at TJMaxx for under $10 combined:


Grab Your Bonnet and Churn...& Don't Forget the Cream, Of Course!

Butter! It's ok for you to eat butter. Yes, I said that, and I am a health professional and passionate healthy-eater, so I've got some validity to my statement. Put your Crisco and margarine down (or into the trash) and eat some REAL BUTTER!

Now, ladies...we no longer have to actually wear a bonnet and apron and sit on the front porch churning butter in the summer heat. You probably have already figured this, however, I think there is a similar visual in our minds at the thought of making our own butter. I recommend before you traipse through the cold grocery store aisle and grab a case of butter off the shelf that you learn WHY homemade butter is worth the work of your hands :).

Do You Use Raw Cream or Grass-fed Organic Cream that is Pasteurized?

Either one is great for making homemade butter! These two options provide great nutrition for you and your family and are probably more cost-effective than buying them at this high quality (I recommend doing the math based on your budget and local availability). Currently, I am learning about raw milk (which is what I'm using to make raw butter with) and why in the world we would consume raw. I'm sold. Once again, farm is better :). Read here for even more intriguing information on raw milk and your health.

The reason organic grass-fed milk (or cream or butter) is another important healthy option is, like raw dairy, also because of the nutrition that it provides. While we don't get the good bacteria and naturally-occurring enzymes for digestion (which can solve some of your 'lactose intolerance') like we do with raw, we get vitamin K and Omega-3!!!

Here is the Method I Followed For Making Butter, Step-by-Step:

Take your cream (that you purchased or extracted from your own milk) and pour it into a deep bowl. Place your mixer in the bowl (a mixer or food processor that you can walk away from is handy if you want to do something else while the cream gets whipped) and blend on high for quite awhile - anywhere from 5-10 minutes or so. You will see the buttermilk start to separate from the cream, which is now looking like butter.

Next you need to wash your butter mixture with some ice cold water. Pour the water (no ice) into the bowl and mix for another few minutes on high. Now, place a big piece of cheesecloth over another somewhat deep bowl that preferably has a lid (for later) and strain your butter/buttermilk mixture through this cheesecloth with a spatula. Get all of that precious butter out of that deep bowl! Now you will have your butter separated from you buttermilk in different containers. This is why you might just want to put a lid right onto your bowl with buttermilk so that you can put it straight into the refrigerator. This is what your butter and buttermilk will look like...

Voila! Butter. Now place your butter in a container and place it in the refrigerator. You now have fresh buttermilk and butter - I'm seeing a really good reason to make homemade buttermilk pancakes slathered in butter! Enjoy....I know your body will :)


Serving Other Masters is Stressful

I had a tough week. One valuable realization that I received from this painful time was that I have been serving two masters that are NOT my sweet, loving, and powerful God. The two masters I've been serving? Let me try to name them:

1. The Impression of Other Women on My House Appearance

This master tells me that I am judged based on how my house looks; if my house is messy or dirty, then I must not be doing my part as a stay-at-home wife and mother. And this master also holds things over my head, like how I should fit-in with modern women in the décor and style of my house being 'up to par.' My response to this today = who cares anyway?! Somewhere along the way we started judging someone else (perhaps based on our own inadequacies or self-judgment) that in-turn makes us feel that we have to live up to a standard/expectation that doesn't actually exist. Giving-into this viscid takes away the ability to be free to live - playing hard with the kids, being creative and making messes, cooking a great meal from scratch and sharing it with loved ones amidst a now messy kitchen, and other enjoyable activities of people really living with no "walls" around them!

2. Worry

I have heard it said that worry is perverted thinking; it is a warped way of thinking based on fear of worst-cased-scenarios. We are called to think completely the opposite - with security and assurance that we are God's children, and He will take care of our needs as a Loving Father would do. I overwhelmed myself with two different money-making opportunities this week based on worry that I won't be able to have enough without them. What did it cost me? It cost me peace with my children, myself, my husband, and God. And it probably took my immune system for a big loopy crash! My response to this today = prioritizing is helpful when you are raising a family; if you can keep focused on the top 3-5 most important tasks/people in your life, then you are better able to filter in the rest of your "to-do's." And then peace is the aroma of your day :).