

Serving Other Masters is Stressful

I had a tough week. One valuable realization that I received from this painful time was that I have been serving two masters that are NOT my sweet, loving, and powerful God. The two masters I've been serving? Let me try to name them:

1. The Impression of Other Women on My House Appearance

This master tells me that I am judged based on how my house looks; if my house is messy or dirty, then I must not be doing my part as a stay-at-home wife and mother. And this master also holds things over my head, like how I should fit-in with modern women in the décor and style of my house being 'up to par.' My response to this today = who cares anyway?! Somewhere along the way we started judging someone else (perhaps based on our own inadequacies or self-judgment) that in-turn makes us feel that we have to live up to a standard/expectation that doesn't actually exist. Giving-into this viscid takes away the ability to be free to live - playing hard with the kids, being creative and making messes, cooking a great meal from scratch and sharing it with loved ones amidst a now messy kitchen, and other enjoyable activities of people really living with no "walls" around them!

2. Worry

I have heard it said that worry is perverted thinking; it is a warped way of thinking based on fear of worst-cased-scenarios. We are called to think completely the opposite - with security and assurance that we are God's children, and He will take care of our needs as a Loving Father would do. I overwhelmed myself with two different money-making opportunities this week based on worry that I won't be able to have enough without them. What did it cost me? It cost me peace with my children, myself, my husband, and God. And it probably took my immune system for a big loopy crash! My response to this today = prioritizing is helpful when you are raising a family; if you can keep focused on the top 3-5 most important tasks/people in your life, then you are better able to filter in the rest of your "to-do's." And then peace is the aroma of your day :).

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