

Who Is Banging Your Door Down?

Since this is a blog about 'HOME,' I must write about "securing our homes against the bad guys" (my son is just totally all over catching bad guys, which is why I word it like this). I was taught from God's word about being the "strong man" or the "authority" of your house and not letting a stranger/enemy/bad guy in your house. This comes from Matthew 12:29 among many other references in the Gospels of the New Testament. In order to do this, you would have to stand on some confidence and grounds to which you know to be secure and true...or otherwise how would you be a "strong man?" Head knowledge only holds so much weight.

The "house" in this parable is actually our souls (or our being - mind, body, emotions,& will). We know what it looks like or what it means to safeguard our physical houses from physical invasion and why that's important. To translate this notion to our "being," which I am also referring to as our "house," is what I am reflecting on today. This particular morning provided consecutive punches on my "door" that resulted in some intense rattling and a strong opportunity for me to respond. My response was everything. Letting the door be knocked down - no good, so not an option (years ago my "door" would have fallen down in its weakened state. It's ok if you feel this way, as you will gain the strength and establishment you need). Running away, screaming in fear at the pounding on the door - also no good and also not an option. Really, the TRUTH is that this is MY HOUSE, and I am just not going to let somebody in it who does not belong here or has bad plans for it! This is because I choose to live in peace. Please don't think of me as having this technique mastered!! Sometimes I choose clanging cymbals...but then I pay for the headache that comes later.

In my experience, these so-called strangers or enemies have been named, "anger," "guilt," "fear," "pride," and "selfish intentions." Life is just totally gonna keep bringing these bad guys; that's just the way the world is. Remember I mentioned earlier about standing on some confident grounds? These grounds upon which you STAND will keep your door locked and upright through all attempts from an enemy. My grounds right now are made of kindness and love and the truth that 'If God is for me, then who can be against me?'.

If I can stay on this ground, then I shouldn't have to slosh through anymore sand.

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